"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Philippians 4:13

Monday, March 28, 2011

Garage Sale

Garage Sale....oil/acrylic...nfs

This is a little ( 5 x 7) plein air I did of my neighbor

across the street during a garage sale she and my wife

were having. Seated are my wife, neighbor and some

customers. The two children in front are her children.

It's always fun and we spend a lot of time reminiscing

and buying items from each other. It's always interesting

to see who shows up and what items interest them. I

did this painting sitting on the tailgate of my truck

in the driveway.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Rusty Cottonpicker

Rusty Cottonpicker
Oil....16 x 20...$350
This old cotton picker sets on the side of Hwy 61 north in
Missouri, near an old cypress barn. This is the first cotton
picker made by international. It's the old style where you
drove a tractor up under the picker and drove the tractor
backward. It still sits there today, while the large modular
pickers work in the field behind it.